hah... so long didn't update...
It's a gud thing I've written what had happen during mission trip.... but you know what? I've lost the book...arghhh I keep on losing important stuff.... like IC, handphone, my lovale pen which has my name on it, my earing, necklace, my sis's watch!! arghh feel bad... my cat(bluff cat)-ended up in my best friend's house. I am very FORGETFUL... arghhh!!!
Ok summary for the mission trip: It was so nice there. I've learn alot from those kids. Most of them got flu there.... there's one boy bout 3 yrs old.... his eyes got dunno what problem. His mother is mute, at first me and Rach thought she was crazy... coz once she hold the parang up in the air... so scary!! Hahahaha summore Rach can ask me to don't look at her, fearing she might come chasing after you!! Hahahaha... funny experience... we walked as fast as we could when we walked pass by her. Ok this boy-only child the women got. The rest of her children died. I dunno whats the cause. So... this boy got flu n eye problem. When it comes to eating time, saw this boy's nose got cendol, long-long cendol from his nose... so I took the tissue and wiped(I don't usually do this for people). And i turn the tissue over and looked!! Ewwww, ewwww -I almost vomitted!!! The moken lady who was watching me laughed at me...haiz.... That was the last day/second last day of the trip.
The next day I got flu and fever. Got no appetite to eat. Somemore went to super nice buffet dinner in Phuket. Cannot enjoy the food cause always feeling very full although never eat. After dinner we went shopping!! Bought 3 earings. Then the next day, last day in Thailand, went shopping again. Bought 2 billabong shirts and one white skirt. Oh! our McD nicer than theirs!! WUHUU bangga!! Malaysia Boleh!! Then we went back to Malaysia!! Yes! so good to be back in your own country... where you can understand what people is talking.
Me offering to help...but then huh? don 't understand.
Mummy looking at me!! Aiyioyio...
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